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Building Division

The Building Division oversees the issuance of permits, registration of contractors and inspection of buildings, as well as the enforcement of zoning and property maintenance codes. Our mission is to promote, improve and protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City of North Ridgeville. All of our plans examiners and inspectors are certified by the Ohio Board of Building Standards to enforce the Residential Code of Ohio and Ohio Building Code.

Feel free to call the Building Division to schedule an appointment to discuss your project with our staff. Ask if a permit is required for your project. For permits that require a plan review, plan for at least three weeks from the time you submit your application until the permit can be issued.

Our permit process starts when you submit an application along with any required supporting drawings. Documents are reviewed by our plans examiners and city staff, as needed. Once an application is approved, staff will inform you that your permit is ready along with your permit fee. The Building Division will accept payments at the walk-up window in the form of cash, check or credit card. Checks may be mailed. Credit card payments may be made over the phone.

When you receive your permit, you will receive a list of required inspections. During the construction phase, you or your contractor must contact the Building Division at least 24 hours prior to schedule any inspections that are required. We will work with you to help your project be successful and meet all code requirements.

City Hall
7307 Avon Belden Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
(440) 490-2081

Guy Fursdon     
Chief Building Official

Nicole Rambo-Ackerman
Office Administrator

Jen Pfahl    

Joe P. Lenahan     
Building Inspector

Ken Picha     
Building Inspector

Shane Taylor     
Building Inspector

Joe Voros     
Building Inspector

Casey Hale
Zoning Inspector