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Stormwater Management and Drainage

In 2018, North Ridgeville Council adopted an ordinance to establish a new stormwater utility so that fees collected could support stormwater infrastructure and programs in a manner that is fair and reasonable to residential and non-residential property owners in the City. The base rate for the utility was established by Council in 2019 with provisions for annual increase.

Credits are available to qualifying non-residential property owners for conducting proper stormwater management practices that either benefit the operation and maintenance of the City’s stormwater system or improve water quality.

See NRCO Chapter 1058 or click on the links below to learn more about North Ridgeville’s stormwater utility.
The Board of Drainage and Flood Control is a 13-member Board established to providing information to citizens on flood prevention and to promote legislation and activities that will improve drainage throughout North Ridgeville. Click the link below for more information and meeting dates.