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Engineering Division

The Engineering Division is responsible for the design, construction administration/inspection, preparation of budgets and preparation of grant applications for capital improvement projects such as new or reconstructed roads, water mains, storm and sanitary sewers, bridges, culverts, storm water detention basins and traffic signalization.

The Division is also responsible for the coordination of the city's EPA-required Phase II storm water program, Geographic Information Service (GIS) mapping, implementation of the backflow prevention program, and problem solving of citizens concerns regarding drainage, drinking water, roadways and other infrastructure items.

City Hall
7307 Avon Belden Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
(440) 490-2084

Christina Eavenson, P.E.    
City Engineer

Lori Birschbach-Tober, P.E.
Assistant City Engineer

Eric Brown, P.E.    
Civil Engineer 

Nicole Rambo-Ackerman    
Office Administrator

Luciana Rodriguez    

Mike Runyon
Chief Resident Project Representative

John Bova    
Resident Project Representative

Nate Tucker
Resident Project Representative

Joe Reitz, P.E.
Project Engineer