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Organization and Special Duties

The Division of Fire Training prepares our members to handle emergencies safely and efficiently through lectures, hands-on training and following the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) Standards. The State of Ohio requires that all of our members receive 18 hours of continuing education in firefighting to maintain their fire fighter certification. The State also requires all of our paramedics to receive 31 hours of continuing education annually. 

The Fire Department has seven certified public safety instructors that provide training for our members on a daily basis. The department also occasionally hosts classes of instruction that are provided by outside experts. Our average member receives over 100 hours of training per year.

Contact Assistant Chief Jon Graf at (440) 490-2032 for more information about the Division of Fire Training.
The Division of Fire Prevention is to prevent the loss of life and property. This is accomplished through code enforcement inspections, public education, and fire investigation as well as pre-planning for major emergencies. Fire Prevention is responsible for ensuring all commercial buildings are constructed or renovated in compliance with the Ohio Fire Code, as well as various standards such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). The Division of Fire Prevention’s continuous efforts keep our community safe from hazards. 

Code Enforcement
Fire Prevention is dedicated to the fair and accurate administration of the Ohio Fire Code. Our inspection goal is not only compliance, but to educate businesses on how the Fire Codes will assist in preventing fires. The Division of Fire Prevention also develops and updates pre-fire plans for local businesses and buildings. These consist of drawings and information gathered for use in case of a fire. The pre-fire plans assist us in training, locating utility shutoffs during an emergency, contacting owners, and preserving property in case of a fire in the business. The Fire Department loads the pre-fire plan onto a cloud-based program that allows our fire crews to access the information on an iPad located in each piece of the city’s fire apparatus.

Contact Assistant Chief Mike Uhnak at (440) 490-2033 for more information about the Division of Fire Prevention.
The Fire Department has a four-member dive/rescue team tasked with responding to water-related emergencies and recoveries. All dive team members have the Dive Rescue 1 certification and participate in mandatory training events.

The dive/rescue team has state-of-the-art dive equipment that is stored and transported in the team's response trailer. The team also maintains a 16-foot Zodiac rescue boat that can be used in rescue and recovery efforts. Our divers have the ability to dive in both warm and cold-water scenarios and communicate with onshore tenders while underwater. The team is activated anytime there is a water-related emergency in the city and also when requested by another city for mutual aid.
The Fire Department is a member of the Lorain County Technical Rescue Team which is a team made up of members from fire departments throughout Lorain County. The team is called to handle the following technical rescue situations:

•    Rope & High Angle Rescue
•    Confined Space Rescue
•    Trench Rescue
•    Structural Collapse Rescue
•    Swift Water Rescue
•    Lost Person Search

All of the specialized equipment for the team was purchased through federal grants and is stored in strategic locations throughout the county. North Ridgeville currently has one member that belongs to the Technical Rescue Team.
The Fire Department utilizes and has members on the Lorain County Hazardous Materials Team (LCHMT), which is made up of members from fire departments throughout Lorain County. It is governed by the Lorain County Fire Chief's Association and organized by the Lorain County Emergency Management Agency (EMA).  

The LCHMT is called upon to mitigate any hazardous materials incidents in the county that local fire departments are not equipped to handle. Funding is mainly obtained from FEMA through grants and recovery costs from spillers. The LCHMT has multiple supply trailers strategically positioned throughout the county, as well as a decontamination trailer and tool truck. Members of the team must be trained to the level of Hazardous Materials Technician. North Ridgeville currently has two members on the LCHMT.