City of North Ridgeville News Article

Special Needs and Wandering Alert Form

The North Ridgeville Police Department is launching a Special Needs and Wandering Alert Form to better meet the needs of residents with autism, dementia, or other special needs that police, fire and EMS should be alerted to. This will provide emergency services with valuable information about residents who may have difficulty communicating during a crisis situation, or who are reported missing.

Those with special needs or their family members can fill out the form to provide name, birthday, physical description, emergency contact information, known triggers and behaviors, and other pertinent information. Once a person is registered, his or her information is entered into a database that will alert emergency personnel when responding to a call with this individual or their address. It could be crucial to defusing a crisis situation or locating a person who has wandered away from safe surroundings.

If you, or your family member could benefit from this, please complete the Special Needs and Wandering Alert Form, include a current photo and email it back to Somer Oliva at [email protected], or drop it off to The North Ridgeville Police Department.

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